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These include work that exists only in unpublished reports.  The report version
of a published paper has larger diagrams, sometimes in color, and sometimes
do not include unwelcome changes that were mandated by the referee.


F.F. Chen, C.P. Leavitt, and A.M. Shapiro, The Total p-p Cross Section above 400 MeV, Phys. Rev. 92, 1073 (1953).


F.F. Chen, C.P. Leavitt, and A.M. Shapiro, The Total p-p Cross Section above 400 MeV, Phys. Rev. 95, 663(A) (1954).


F.F. Chen, Interaction of 860-MeV Protons with Nuclei, (1954)Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard Univ..


F.F. Chen, C.P. Leavitt, and A.M. Shapiro, Attenuation Cross Sections for 860 MeV Protons, Phys. Rev. 99, 857 (1955).


F.F. Chen, Observations of X-rays from the Stellarator, USAEC, Washington, D.C., Tech Rept. 289, pp. 297-302 (1955).


F.F. Chen, X-ray Production by the B-1' Stellarator, USAEC, Washington, D.C., Tech Rept.TID-7503, pp. 31-36 (1955).


F.F. Chen, C.P. Leavitt, and A.M. Shapiro, Total p-p and 'p-n' Cross Sections at Cosmotron Energies, Phys. Rev. 103, 211 (1956).


F.F. Chen, Probe Studies in B-1', USAEC, Washington D.C., Tech Rept. TID-7520, Part 1, pp. 181-193 (1956).


W. Bernstein, F.F. Chen, M.A. Heald, and A.Z. Krantz, 'Runaway' Electrons and Cooperative Phenomena in B-1 Stellarator Discharges, Phys. Fluids 1, 430 (1958).


F.F. Chen, Common-Bass Stereo Speaker System, Audio 45, No. 11, p. 19 (1961).


F.F. Chen, Use of Electrostatic Probes in Plasma Physics, IRE Trans. on Nuclear Sciences NS-8-4, 150 (1961).


F.F. Chen, Low Frequency Oscillations in Gas Discharges, Phys. Fluids 4, 1448 (1961).


P.L. Auer and F.F. Chen, Comments on the One-Dimensional Sheath Problem, , PPPL Technical Memo No. 141 (1961).


F.F. Chen, The Sheath Criterion, PPPL Rept. MATT-77 (1961).


F.F. Chen, Use of D.C. Relays in Home Audio Systems, Audio 46, No. 9, p. 27 (1962).


F.F. Chen, Electrostatic Stability of a Collisionless Plane Discharge, Nuovo Cim. 26, 698 (1962).


F.F. Chen, The Radial Electric Field in a Reflex Discharge, Phys. Rev. Lett. 8, 234 (1962).


F.F. Chen and A.W. Cooper, Electrostatic Turbulence in a Reflex Discharge, Phys. Rev. Lett. 9, 333 (1962).


R. Bingham, F.F. Chen, and W. Harries, Preliminary Studies of a Reflex Arc, PPPL Rept. MATT-63 (1962).


F.F. Chen, Probe Techniques, , Plasma Physics Summer Institute Notes, Princeton University (1962).


F.F. Chen, Production of Laboratory Plasmas, Plasma Physics Summer Institute Notes, Princeton University (1962).


F.F. Chen, Low-Frequency Instabilities of a Fully Ionized Gas, , Proc. of the Sixth Conf. on Ioniz. Phenomena in Gases, Paris, Vol. 2, pp. 435-451 (1963).


F.F. Chen, Excitation of Electrostatic Oscillations in a Magnetic Field, PPPL Rept. MATT-242 (1963).


F.F. Chen, Excitation d'oscillations electrostatiques dans un champ magnetique, Euratom Report EUR-CEA-FC-206 (in French) (1963).


F.F. Chen, Propagation and Excitation of Plasma Density-Gradient Waves Across a Magnetic Field, Euratom Rept. EUR-CEA-FC-214 (1963).


R. Bingham, Long wavelength instability in a reflex discharge, PPPL MATT-198 (1963).


F.F. Chen, Normal Modes for Electrostatic Ion Waves in an Inhomogeneous Plasma, Phys. Fluids 7, 949 (1964).


F.F. Chen, A Double-Probe Method for Unstable Plasmas, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 35, 1208 (1964); "A time-resolved probe method", PPPL MATT-62 (1961).


F.F. Chen, Behavior of Langmuir Probes in Time-Varying Situations, PPPL MATT-269 (1964).


F.F. Chen, Preliminary Results on the Interpretation of Low Frequency Oscillations Observed in the Reflex Arc, PPPL MATT-249 (1964).


F.F. Chen, Electric Probes, , in "Plasma Diagnostic Techniques", ed. by R.H. Huddlestone and S.L. Leonard (Academic Press, New York), Chap. 4, pp. 113-200 (1965).


F.F. Chen, Numerical Computations for Ion Probe Characteristics in a Collisionless Plasma, J. Nucl. Energy, Pt. C 747 (1965); PPPL MATT-64.


F.F. Chen, Excitation of Drift Instabilities in Thermionic Plasmas, J. Nucl. Energy, Pt. C 7, 399 (1965).


F.F. Chen, Saturation Ion Currents to Langmuir Probes, J.Appl. Phys. 36, 675 (1965).  PPPL MATT-272  (1964).


F.F. Chen, Interaction of Electron Beams with Inhomogeneous Plasmas, Phys. Fluids 8, 2115 (1965).


F.F. Chen, Resistive Overstabilities and Anomalous 'Diffusion', Phys. Fluids 8, 912 (1965).


F.F. Chen, 'Universal' Overstability of a Resistive, Inhomogeneous Plasma, Phys. Fluids 8, 1323 (1965).


F.F. Chen, Effect of Sheaths on Drift Instabilities in Thermionic Plasmas, Phys. Fluids 8, 752 (1965).


F.F. Chen, Spectrum of Low-Beta Plasma Turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 381 (1965).


F.F. Chen, A Hairy Scheme for Electrostatic Stabilization, PPPL Technical Memo 211 (1965).


F.F. Chen, Anomalous Diffusion Mechanisms in Partially and Fully Ionized Gases, , in "Plasma Instabilities and Anomalous Transport", ed. by W.B. Prado and H.S. Robertson (Univ. of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL), pp. 219-222 (1966).


F.F. Chen, Microinstability and Shear Stabilization of a Low-Beta, Rotating, Resistive Plasma, Phys. Fluids 9, 965 (1966).


F.F. Chen, Effect of Temperature Gradients in Thermionic Plasmas, Phys. Fluids 9, 2534 (1966).


F.F. Chen, Nonlocal Drift Modes in Cylindrical Geometry, Phys. Fluids 10, 1647 (1967).


F.F. Chen and D. Mosher, Shear Stabilization of a Potassium Plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 18, 639 (1967).


F.F. Chen, International Symposium on Fluctuations and Diffusion in Plasmas: Review of Experimental Papers, Phys. Today 20 (Oct.), 115 (1967).


F.F. Chen, The Leakage Problem in Fusion Reactors, Sci. Amer. 217 (July), 76 (1967).


F.F. Chen, Oscillations and Diffusion in a Shear Stabilized Q-Machine Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Phys. of Quiescent Plasmas, Frascati, Italy, Part I, pp. 145-172 (1967).


F.F. Chen, Probe Techniques for Low-Density Plasmas, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Phys. of Quiescent Plasmas, Frascati, Italy, Part II, pp. 563-578 (1967).


F.F. Chen, C. Etievant, and D. Mosher, Measurement of Low Plasma Densities in a Magnetic Field, Phys. Fluids 11, 811 (1968).


F.F. Chen and D. Mosher, Correlation Measurements of Turbulent Drift Waves, PPPL Technical Memo MATT-Q-25 (1968).


Rapporteur paper on drift waves and diffusion, 3rd Intl. Conf. on Plasma Phys. and Control. Nucl. Fusion Research, Novosibirsk, USSR, Paper CN-24 (1968).


F.F. Chen and H.P. Furth, Low-Frequency Plasma Stabilization by Feedback-Controlled Neutral Beams, Nucl. Fusion 9, 364 (1969).


G.I. Kent, N.C. Jen, and F.F. Chen, Transverse Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Rotating Plasma, Phys. Fluids 12, 2140 (1969).


F.F. Chen, Coaxial Cathode Design for Plasma Sources, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 40, 1049 (1969).


F.F. Chen, Convective and Oscillatory Losses in Q Machines, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Phys. of Quiescent Plasmas, Paris, Vol. 2, pp. 159-172 (1969).


F.F. Chen, D. Mosher, and K.C. Rogers, Effects of Shear and Connection Length on Drift Waves and Plasma Confinement, Plasma Phys. and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) Vol. I, pp. 625-640 (1969).


F.F. Chen and K.C. Rogers, Measurement of D.C. Electric Fields in a Plasma; a.k.a. Drift waves in non-uniform electric fields, PPPL MATT-701 (1969).


F.F. Chen, Plasma Control with Infrared Lasers, in "Feedback and Dynamic Control of Plasmas", ed. by T.K. Chu and H.W. Hendel (Amer. Inst. Phys., New York), pp. 33-37 (1970).


F.F. Chen and D. Mosher, Convective Losses in a Thermionic Plasma with Shear, Phys. Fluids 13, 1328 (1970).


K.C. Rogers and F.F. Chen, Direct Measurement of Drift-Wave Growth Rates, Phys. Fluids 13, 513 (1970).


F.F. Chen and C. Etievant, Convection Arising from Large Amplitude Plasma Waves, Phys. Fluids 13, 687 (1970); "Effets Stationnaires d'un Champ Electromagnetique de Grande Amplitude sur un Plasma", Euratom Rept. EUR-CEA-FC-469 (1968).


F.F. Chen and K.C. Rogers, Minimum Average B Stabilization of Drift Waves in a Q Machine, Plasma Phys. 12, 253 (1970).


Linear drift waves,  Lecture notes, UCLA Extension Course 801 (1970).


D. Baker, N. Booth, F.F. Chen, D.L. Jassby, C.S. Liu, R. Stenzel, and A.Y. Wong, Remote Plasma Control, Heating and Measurements of Electron Distribution and Trapped Particles by Non-Linear Electromagnetic Interactions, , Plasma Phys. and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) Vol. I, pp. 335-342 (1971).


F.F. Chen, A New Role for Infrared Lasers, Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 1, 81 (1972).


F.F. Chen, D.L. Jassby, and M.E. Marhic, Remote Feedback Stabilization of a High-Beta Plasma, Phys. Fluids 15, 1864 (1972).


F.F. Chen, Nonlinear Optics of Plasmas, Proc. Int'l Congress on Waves and Instabilities in Plasmas, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. C1-C19 (1973).


F.F. Chen, Laser Heating of Underdense, Magnetized Plasmas, UCLA-SEAS-PELR-10 (1973).


F.F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics, (1974)(Plenum Press, New York).


F.F. Chen, Physical Mechanisms for Laser-Plasma Parametric Instabilities, , in "Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena", ed. by H.J. Schwarz and H. Hora (Plenum, New York), Vol 3A, p. 291 (1974).


F.F. Chen and R.B. White, Amplification and Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves in Overdense Plasmas, Plasma Phys. 16565 (1974); anthologized in Laser Interaction with Matter, Series of Selected Papers in Physics, ed. by C. Yamanaka (Phys. Soc. Japan, 1984).


F.F. Chen, H.C. Kim, R.L. Stenzel, and A.Y. Wong, Experiments on Strong Electromagnetic Interactions with Plasmas--Investigation of Non-Linear Processes in Laser Fusion, {Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research}, Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, II:589-597, 1974., Plasma Phys. and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) Vol. II, pp. 589-597 (1974).


F.F. Chen, Book Review: Q-Machines, by R.W. Motley, Phys. Today 28(8), 67 (1975).


F.F. Chen and J.J. Turechek, Detection of Brillouin Backscattering in Underdense Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 720 (1976).


F.F. Chen, Experiments on Parametric Instabilities in Laser-Plasma Interactions, in "Plasma Physics: Nonlinear Theory and Experiments", ed. by H. Wilhelmsson (Plenum, New York), pp. 82-101 (1977).


F.F. Chen, New Developments in Laser Diagnostics for Tokamak Plasmas, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. 5, 231 (1977).


F.F. Chen, J.M. Dawson, B.D. Fried, H.P. Furth, and M.N. Rosenbluth, Comments on 'Generalized Criterion for Feasibility of Controlled Fusion and its Application to Nonideal D-D Systems', J. Appl. Phys. 48, 415 (1977).


F.F. Chen, Alternate Concepts in Controlled Fusion: Summaries of Four Workshops, , Electric Power Research Institute Rept. ER-429-SR (in three parts, 250 pp.) (1977).


F.F. Chen, Trapping of Ion Waves in Cavitons, Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Lausanne, Switzerland, Rept. LRP 127/77 (1977).


F.F. Chen, DSP Theory for Experimentalists, TRW Rept. Task II-1359 (1978).


F.F. Chen, Space Charge in Radial Energy Analyzers,TRW Rept. Task II-1712 (1978).


F.F. Chen, Axial Eigenmodes for Long Lambda-Parallel Waves in Plasmas Bounded by Sheaths, Phys. Fluids 22, 2346 (1979);TRW Rept. Task II-2185.


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, and M.J. Herbst, Saturation of Brillouin Backscatter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1591 (1979).


F.F. Chen, Alternate Concepts in Magnetic Fusion, Physics Today 32(5), 36 (1979).


F.F. Chen, Fusion for the Future, The Sciences 19 (July/Aug), 6 (1979); "The New Alchemy- Again", UCLA PPG-388 (1979).


F.F. Chen, Nuclear Fusion as an Ultimate Power Source (1979); UCLA PPG-399.


F.F. Chen, Thickness of Combined Bohm-Langmuir Sheaths (1979); TRW Task II-2186.


F.F. Chen, Operation of Mass Spectrometer Probes (1979); TRW Task II-2235.


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, and M.J. Herbst, Brillouin and Dielectric Sidescatter of 10 micron Light by a Plasma, J. Appl. Phys. 51, 4080 (1980).


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, M.J. Herbst, and W.A. Peebles, Studies of Sidescatter and Backscatter from Pre-ionized Plasmas, Phys. Fluids 23, 1319 (1980).


F.F. Chen, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics, Nagoya, Japan, Vol 2, pp. 345-353. (1980).


F.F. Chen, Plasma Response to Induced Electric Fields (1980); TRW Task II-3224.


F.F. Chen and J.J. Turechek, Spectroscopic Study of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, Phys. Fluids 241126 (1981); "Stimulated Brillouin scattering of CO2 laser light in a plasma", UCLA PPG-468 (1980).


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, C. Joshi, and A. Yasuda, Dependence of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering on Target Material and f Number, Phys. Fluids 24, 2312 (1981).


F.F. Chen, Radiofrequency Field Enhancement Near Ion Gyroresonance (1981); TRW Task II-3552.


F.F. Chen, Status of Multipole-Surmacs as Candidates for Advanced Fuel Fusion Reactors (1981); UCLA PPG-553.


F.F. Chen, Multipoles and Surmacs I: Physics, in "Unconventional Approaches to Fusion", ed by B. Brunelli and G.G. Leotta (Plenum, New York), pp. 333-359 (1982).  Discussion.


F.F. Chen, Multipoles and Surmacs II: Engineering, in "Unconventional Approaches to Fusion", ed by B. Brunelli and G.G. Leotta (Plenum, New York), pp. 361-377 (1982).


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, C. Joshi, and A. Yasuda, Direct Observation of Laser Beam Filamentation in an Underdense Plasma, J. Appl. Phys. 53, 215 (1982).


F.F. Chen, Decay of a Plasma Created between Negatively Biased Walls, Phys. Fluids 25, 2385 (1982); TRW Rept. Task II-4339 (1981).


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, and C. Joshi, Resonant Self-Focusing of Laser Light in a Plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 874 (1982); "Resonant forward scattering in a laser-plasma", UCLA PPG-537 (1981).


B. Amini, H.C. Barr, F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, and C. Joshi, Experiments on Nonlinear Phenomena in Underdense Plasmas, Proc. U.S.-Japan Seminar on Theory and Application of Multiply Ionized Plasmas Produced by Laser and Particle Beams, Nara, Japan, pp. 243-255 (1982).


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, H.E. Huey, C. Joshi, A.Y. Lee, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., and C. Pawley, Experimental Modeling of Laser-Plasma Interaction Physics, Plasma Phys. and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) Vol. I, pp. 105-113 (1982).


F.F. Chen, The Two-Ion Hybrid Wave in an Inhomogeneous Plasma, TRW Rept. PSP-5056 (1982).


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, and C. Joshi, Ion Trapping Saturation of the Brillouin Instability, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1656 (1983).


B. Amini and F.F. Chen, Collisional and Convective Thresholds for Raman Backscatter, UCLA PPG-746 (1983).


F.F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, (1984)2nd ed., Vol. 1: "Plasma Physics" (Plenum Press, New York).


F.F. Chen, C. E. Clayton, and C. Joshi, Space and Time Evolution of SBS Ion Waves and Harmonics, , in "Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena", ed. by H.J. Schwarz and H. Hora (Plenum, New York), Vol 6, p. 621 (1984).


B. Amini and F.F. Chen, Thomson-scattering Detection of Plasma Waves Excited by Two Laser Beams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1441 (1984).


F.F. Chen, Laser Driven Particle Accelerators, Proceedings of the XII Yugoslav Symp. on Phys. of Ionized Gases, Sibenik, Yugoslavia (World Scientific, Philadelphia), pp. 937-981 (1984).


F.F. Chen, B. Amini, C.E. Clayton, and H.C. Barr, Excitation of Ion and Plasma Waves by Laser Beams, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Plasma Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 271-272 (1984).


F.F. Chen, Why is the Two-Ion Hybrid Resonance Observable?, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Plasma Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 66-67 (1984).


F.F. Chen, An ICRF-driven inverse filamentation instability, TRW Rept. PSP-TW-348 (1984).


F.F. Chen, Raman Backscatter Below the Absolute Threshold, UCLA PPG-817 (1984).


F.F. Chen, The Convective Raman Threshold in Blue Light, UCLA PPG-791 (1984).


F.F. Chen and C. Joshi, Nonlinear Interactions of CO2 Laser Radiation with Plasmas, UCLA PPG-803 (1984).


F.F. Chen and H. Sanuki, Physical Mechanisms for Hot-Electron Stabilization of Low-Frequency Interchange Modes, Phys. Fluids 28, 3567 (1985).


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, C. Darrow, J.M. Dawson, C. Joshi, T. Katsouleas, W.B. Mori, and D. Umstadter, Plasma Accelerators, in "Laser Acceleration of Particles", ed. by Joshi, C. and Katsouleas, T. (Amer. Inst. of Physics, NY), pp. 63-98 (1985).


F.F. Chen, Landau damping of helicon waves, Australian National Univ. Rept. ANU-PRL IR 85/12 (unpublished) (1985).


F.F. Chen, Modern Uses of Langmuir Probes, Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya, Japan, Rept. IPPJ-750 (1985).


F.F. Chen, The Stimulated Raman Threshold II: Theory, UCLA PPG-893 (1985).


B. Amini and F.F. Chen, The Stimulated Raman Threshold I: Experiment, Phys. Fluids 29, 3864 (1986). 


F.F. Chen, T. Christensen, G. Dimonte, G.R. Neil, and T.E. Romesser, Use of the Two-Ion Hybrid as an Impurity Diagnostic, Phys. Fluids 29, 1651 (1986); TRW Rept. PSP-5290 (1982).


C.F. Kennel, R.F. Chen, S. Moses, W. Kurth, F. Coroniti, F. Scarf, and F.F. Chen, Z-Mode Radiation in Jupiter's Magnetosphere,, J. Geophys. Res. 92, 9978 (1987).


H.C. Barr and F.F. Chen, Raman Scattering in a Nearly Resonant Density Ripple, Phys. Fluids 30, 1180 (1987). 


F.F. Chen, C.E. Clayton, C. Darrow, J.M. Dawson, C. Joshi, T. Katsouleas, W. Leemans, K. Marsh, W. Mori, J.J. Su, D. Umstadter, and S. Wilks, Particle Acceleration by Plasma Waves, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Plasma Physics, Kiev, USSR (World Scientific, Singapore) Vol. 2, pp. 797-801 (1987).


F.F. Chen, J.M. Dawson, C. Joshi, T. Katsouleas, and Y.T. Yan, Plasma Wave Wigglers for Free Electron Lasers, in "Accelerator Engineering and Technology", ed. by E.R. Lindstrom and L.F. Taylor (IEEE Publ. Services, New York) (1987).


F.F. Chen, Helicon wave plasma sources, Proceedings of the Int'l Conf. on Plasma Physics, Kiev, USSR (World Scientific, Singapore), Vol. 2, p. 1378 (1987). 


F.F. Chen, Laser Driven Plasma Accelerators, in "High Intensity Laser-Matter Interactions", Proc. of the Int'l Soc. for Optical Engr. (SPIE), Vol. 913, pp. 59-66 (1988).


F.F. Chen, Status of Laser Accelerator Work, Proc. of the Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena in Vlasov Plasmas, Cargèse, France, pp. 351-353 (1988).


F.F. Chen, Laser Driven Mode Coupling of Ion and Electron Waves, Proc. Int'l Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena in Vlasov Plasmas, Cargèse, France (1988).


F.F. Chen, RF production of high density plasmas for accelerators, Lasers and Particle Beams 7, 551 (1989).


F.F. Chen, High-frequency Drift Waves Excited by an Electron Beam, UCLA Rept. PPG-1205 (1989).


F.F. Chen, Helicon waves at low magnetic fields, UCLA Rept. PPG-1270 (1989).


F.F. Chen, Excitation of large amplitude plasma waves, Phys. Scr. T30, 14 (1990). 


F.F. Chen, Double Helix: The Dawson Separation Process, in "From Fusion to Light Surfing", Lectures on Plasma Physics Honoring John M. Dawson, ed. by T. Katsouleas (Addison-Wesley, New York) (1991).


F.F. Chen, Plasma ionization by helicon waves, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 33, 339 (1991); UCLA PPG-1317 (1990).


F.F. Chen, Laser Accelerators, in "Physics of Laser Plasma", ed. by A. M. Rubenchik and S. Witkowski, Vol. 3 of Handbook of Plasma Physics, ed. by M. N. Rosenbluth and R. Z. Sagdeev (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam) pp. 483-517 (1992).  


F.F. Chen and G. Chevalier, RF production of long, dense plasma columns, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Plasma Physics III, 1701 (Inst. for Ion Physics, Univ. of Innsbruck, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria) (1992); UCLA PPG-1426.


F.F. Chen and G. Chevalier, Experiments on helicon plasma sources, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 101389 (1992); "Experiments on new RF plasma sources for etching and deposition", UCLA PPG-1375 (1991).


Y. Sakawa, C. Joshi, P.K. Kaw, V.K. Jain, T.W. Johnston, F.F. Chen, and J.M. Dawson, Nonlinear Evolution of the Modified Simon-Hoh Instability via a Cascade of Sideband Instabilities in a Weak Beam Plasma System, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 85 (1992). 


F.F. Chen and C.D. Decker, Electron acceleration in helicon sources, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 34, 635 (1992); "Helicon wave plasma sources", UCLA PPG-1272 (1989).


F.F. Chen and M.J. Hsieh, Collisionless E x B Instability in Regions of Strong Electric Shear, Proc. Int'l Workshop on Magnetic Turbulence and Transport, Cargèse, France, pp. 56-69 (1992); "E x B Instability in Regions of Strong Electric Shear", UCLA PPG-1465 (1993).


F.F. Chen, Capacitor tuning circuits for inductive loads, UCLA Rept. PPG-1401 (unpublished, 1992).


F.F. Chen, Electron runaway in RF discharges, Plasma Science Center, Nagoya Univ., Rept. PSC-25 (1992).


F.F. Chen and G. Chevalier, RF production of long, dense plasma columns, UCLA PPG-1426 (1992).


F.F. Chen, A collisionless E x B instability with large ion orbits, Proc. Int'l Workshop on Magnetic Turbulence and Transport, Cargèse, France, pp. 56-69; UCLA PPG-1434 (1992) (1992).


G. Chevalier and F.F. Chen, Experimental modeling of inductive discharges, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 11, 1165 (1993); UCLA PPG-1464 (1992).


Y. Sakawa, C. Joshi, P.K. Kaw, F.F. Chen, and V.K. Jain, Excitation of the Modified Simon-Hoh Instability in an Electron Beam Produced Plasma, Phys. Fluids B 5, 1681 (1993).


F.F. Chen and G. Chevalier, Diagnostics of rf plasmas for semiconductor etching, , Calif. Microelec. Innov. and Computer Research Opportunities (MICRO) Project Reports, 1991-92, p. 348 (1993).


F.F. Chen, M.J. Hsieh, and M. Light, Helicon waves in a nonuniform plasma, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 3, 49 (1994); UCLA PPG-1485 (1993).


I.D. Sudit and F.F. Chen, RF compensated probes for high-density discharges, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 3, 162 (1994); UCLA PPG-1491(1993).


I.D. Sudit and F.F. Chen, A nonsingular helicon wave equation for a nonuniform plasma, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 3, 602 (1994).


F.F. Chen, Industrial Applications of Low-Temperature Plasma Physics, Part B: Vugraphs, UCLA PPG-1528 (1994).


F.F. Chen, Helicon Plasma Sources, in "High Density Plasma Sources", ed. by Oleg A. Popov (Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ), Chap. 1 (1995); UCLA PPG-1506 (1994).


F.F. Chen, The 'Sources' of Plasma Physics, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 23, 20-47 (1995); UCLA PPG-1521 (1994).


M. Light and F.F. Chen, Helicon Wave Excitation with Helical Antennas, Phys. Plasmas 2, 1084 (1995); UCLA PPG-1520 (1994).


M. Light, I.D. Sudit, F.F. Chen, and D. Arnush, Axial Propagation of Helicon Waves, Phys. Plasmas 2, 4094 (1995); UCLA PPG-1541.


F.F. Chen, Industrial Applications of Low-Temperature Plasma Physics, Phys. Plasmas 2, 2164 (1995); UCLA PPG-1527 (1994).


F.F. Chen, Summary of Basic Plasma Physics and Applications, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Plasma Physics, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 1994, p. 9 (AIP Conf. Proceedings 345, ed. by P.H. Sakanaka and M. Tendler, American Inst. of Phys. Press, Woodbury, New York, 1995); "ICPP'94: Summary of Basic Plasma Physics and Applications", UCLA PPG-1530 (1994).


F.F. Chen, ed., Plasma Processing and Processing Science, , Naval Studies Board Panel Report (National Academy Press, 1995).


F.F. Chen, Plasma Physics, in "Encyclopedia of Applied Physics", G.L. Trigg, ed., Vol. 14, pp. 199-236 (VCH Publishers, New York) (1996); "Plasma Physics: an Encyclopedic View", UCLA PPG-1531 (1995).


I.D. Sudit and F.F. Chen, Discharge equilibrium of a helicon plasma, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 5, 43 (1996); "Remote Source Characteristics of Helicon Discharges", UCLA PPG-1534 (1995).


D. Arnush and A. Peskoff, Helicon Waves in a Flaring Magnetic Field, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 38, 129 (1996).


F.F. Chen, DC Probe Detection of Phased EEDFs in RF Discharges, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 39, 1533 (1997); "Probe Detection of Phased EEDFs in RF Discharges ", UCLA PPG-1542 (1995).


F.F. Chen, I.D. Sudit, M.E. Light, D.D. Blackwell, D.W. Aossey, D. Arnush, and A. Peskoff, Progress on helicon wave sources, Proc. 1994 Int't Conf. on Plasma Physics, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, Vol. 3, 21 (1994).


F.F. Chen, I.D. Sudit, M. Light, D.D. Blackwell, and D. Arnush, Equilibrium conditions in high-density helicon discharges, Proc. Plasma Etch Users Group (NCCAVS, 150 W. Iowa Ave., Suite 104, Sunnyvale, CA 94086), p. 95 (1995).


D. Arnush and A. Peskoff, Helicon Waves in a Flaring Magnetic Field, Part I: Equations in Spherical Coordinates and WKB-like Solutions, UCLA PPG-1538 (1995).


A. Peskoff and D. Arnush, Helicon Waves in a Flaring Magnetic Field, Part II: Solution in a Conical Region, UCLA PPG-1539 (1995).


F.F. Chen, Physics of helicon discharges, Phys. Plasmas 3, 1783 (1996); UCLA PPG-1553.


F.F. Chen, I.D. Sudit, and M. Light, Downstream physics of the helicon discharge, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 5, 173 (1996); UCLA PPG-1543 (1995).


F.F. Chen, Plasma-induced oxide damage: a status report, UCLA PPG-1566 (1996).


R.W. Boswell and F.F. Chen, Helicons, the early years, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 25, 1229 (1997).


F.F. Chen and R.W. Boswell, Helicons, the past decade, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 25, 1245 (1997); UCLA PPG-1567 (Oct. 1996).


F.F. Chen and D. Arnush, Generalized theory of helicon waves I: Normal modes, Phys. Plasmas 4, 3411 (1997); UCLA PPG-1562 (Aug 1996).


F.F. Chen, X. Jiang, J.D. Evans, G. Tynan, and D. Arnush, Low Field Helicon Discharges, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 39, A411 (1997); UCLA PPG-1564 (Sept. 1996).


D.D. Blackwell and F.F. Chen, 2D imaging of a helicon discharge, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 6, 569 (1997); UCLA PPG-1571 (Mar. 1997).


F.F. Chen, Plane-polarized helicon waves, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 6, 394 (1997); UCLA PPG-1570 (Feb. 1997).


D. Arnush and F.F. Chen, Generalized theory of helicon waves II: Excitation and absorption, Phys. Plasmas 5, 1239 (1998); UCLA PPG-1573 (June 1997).


F.F. Chen, Nonlinear diffusion in magnetized discharges, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 7, 458 (1998); UCLA PPG-1579 (Jan. 1998).


D.G. Miljak and F.F. Chen, Helicon wave excitation with rotating antenna fields, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 7, 61 (1998); "Excitation of helicon waves with rotating antenna fields", UCLA PPG-1575 (August 1997).


D.G. Miljak and F.F. Chen, Density limit in helicon discharges, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 7, 537 (1998); UCLA PPG-1582 (Jan 1998).


F.F. Chen and J.D. Evans, Performance of a multi-tube, large-area helicon source, Proc. Plasma Etch Users Group (NCCAVS, 150 W. Iowa Ave., Suite 104, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (1998); UCLA LTP-805 (May 1998).


F.F. Chen, D. Arnush, D.D. Blackwell, and J.D. Evans, Coupled helicon-TG modes: theory and experiment, Proc. 1998 Int'l Congress on Plasma Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, on CD-ROM (Europhysics Conf. Abstracts 22C, 2655) (1998); UCLA LTP-806 (June 1998).


F.F. Chen and D.D. Blackwell, Upper limit to Landau damping in helicon discharges, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2677 (1999); UCLA LTP-809 (Sept. 1998).


M. Light, I.D. Sudit, and F.F. Chen, Role of helicon waves in helicon sources, (1996) Poster paper, SRC Techcon'96, Phoenix, AZ (Sept. 1996).


D.D. Blackwell and F.F. Chen, Measurement of EEDFs in an RF plasma, (1996) Poster paper, SRC Techcon'96, Phoenix, AZ (Sept. 1996).


D.D. Blackwell and F.F. Chen, Time-resolved measurements of the EEDF in a helicon plasma, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 10, 226 (2001); UCLA LTP-905 (May, 1999).


F.F. Chen, X. Jiang, and J.D. Evans, Plasma injection with helicon sources, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 2108 (2000); UCLA LTP-907 (July, 1999).


F.F. Chen, Langmuir probe analysis for high-density plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 8, 3029 (2001); UCLA LTP-006 (June 2000).


F.F. Chen and D. Arnush, Characterization and modeling of the MØRI source, , (2000); UCLA LTP-002 (Feb. 2000).


D. Arnush, Role of Trivelpiece-Gould Waves in Antenna Helicon Wave Coupling, Phys. Plasmas 7, 3042 (2000); UCLA LTP-003 (March, 2000).


F.F. Chen, J.D. Evans, and G.R. Tynan, Design and performance of distributed helicon sources, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 10, 236 (2001); UCLA LTP-008 (August, 2000).


F.F. Chen and J.D. Evans, Use of Langmuir probes in high density plasmas (2000) Proc. ICPP-2000, Quebec, Canada (October 2000), Vol. 3, p. 908; UCLA LTP-009 (September, 2000).


J.D. Evans, F.F. Chen, and D. Arnush, Investigation of Electromagnetic Field Penetration in ICP and Weakly-Magnetized ICP Discharges, (2000) Proc. ICPP-2000, Quebec, Canada (October 2000), Vol. 3, p. 916; UCLA LTP-010 (October, 2000).


F.F. Chen, Collisional, magnetic, and nonlinear skin effect in RF plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 8, 3008 (2001); UCLA LTP-011 (November, 2000).


M. Light, F.F. Chen, and P.L. Colestock, Instability driven radial transport in a helicon plasma (2001); UCLA LTP-101 (January, 2001), rejected by Phys. Rev. Lett.


J.D. Evans and F.F. Chen, Nonlocal power deposition in inductively coupled plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5502 (2001); UCLA LTP-102 (February, 2001).


M. Light, F.F. Chen, and P.L. Colestock, Low frequency electrostatic instability in a helicon plasma, Phys. Plasmas 8, 4675 (2001); UCLA LTP-103 (March, 2001).


F.F. Chen, Physical mechanisms in industrial rf plasma sources (2001) Proc. 14th Topical Conf. on RF Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, CA (May 2001).


F.F. Chen and D. Arnush, The floating potential of a cylindrical Langmuir probe, Phys. Plasmas 8, 5051 (2001); UCLA LTP-105 (May, 2001).


D.D. Blackwell, T.G. Madziwa, D. Arnush, and F.F. Chen, Evidence for Trivelpiece-Gould modes in a helicon discharge, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 145002 (2002); UCLA LTP-106 (June, 2001).


M. Light, F.F. Chen, and P.L. Colestock, Quiescent and unstable regimes of a helicon plasma, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 11, 273 (2002); UCLA LTP-107 (August, 2001).


F. F. Chen, J. D. Evans, and D. Arnush, A floating potential method for measuring ion density, Phys. Plasmas 9, 1449 (2002); UCLA LTP-108 (August, 2001).


L. Porte, S.M. Yun, D. Arnush, and F.F. Chen, Superiority of half-wavelength helicon antennas, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 12, 287 (2003); UCLA LTP-110 (October, 2001).


J.D. Evans, W. Zawalsky, and F.F. Chen, Evaluation of Langmuir probe ion density measurement theories using microwave interferometry and plasma oscillation probe methods in an inductively coupled plasma, (2001); UCLA LTP-111 (November, 2001).


F.F. Chen, Design of a helicon plasma injector using the HELIC code, (2002); UCLA LTP-202 (February, 2002).

208 F.F. Chen and J.P. Chang, Lecture Notes on Principles of Plasma Processing  (Kluwer/Plenum, New York, 2002).
209 F.F. Chen, The low-field density peak in helicon discharges, Phys. Plasmas 10, 2586 (2003); UCLA LTP-211 (November, 2002).
210 F.F. Chen, Lecture Notes on Langmuir Probe Diagnostics, IEEE ICOPS Mini-Course on Plasma Diagnostics, Jeju, Korea, June 2003.
211 T.G. Madziwa, D. Arnush, and F.F. Chen, Ion orbits in electron-shading damage, UCLA LTP-302 (February, 2003).
212 F.F. Chen, A Novel Helicon Plasma Source for Large-Area Displays, Proceedings of 2005 NSF DMII Grantees Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, January 2005; UCLA LTP-409 (Sept. 2004).


F.F. Chen, RF Plasma Sources for Semiconductor Processing, in Advanced Plasma Technology, ed. by F. Arefi-Khonsari, R. d’Agostino, P. Favia, H. Ikegami, Y. Kawai, and N. Sato (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2006), (2nd Int'l School of Advanced Plasma Technology, Varenna, Italy, Sept. 2004); UCLA LTP-505 (May 2005).
214 F.F. Chen, Nonlinear effects and anomalous transport in rf plasmas, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34, 718 (2006), (Workshop on Nonlocal, Collisionless Electron Transport in Plasmas, Princeton, August 2005); UCLA LTP-506 (June, 2005).
215 F.F. Chen, Time-varying impedance of the sheath on a probe in an RF plasma, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15, 773 (2006); UCLA LTP-509 (Sept. 2005).
216 F.F. Chen, Physical mechanism of current-free double layers, Phys Plasmas 13, 034502 (2006); UCLA LTP-511 (Nov. 2005).
217 F.F. Chen and H. Torreblanca, Design of a permanent magnet helicon reactor, UCLA LTP-601 (Jan. 2006).
218 F.F. Chen and H. Torreblanca, Large area helicon plasma source with permanent magnets, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48, A81 (2007); UCLA LTP-605 (May 2006).
219 T.G. Madziwa-Nussinov, D. Arnush, and F.F. Chen, Ion orbits in plasma etching of semiconductors, Phys. Plasmas 15, 013503 (2007), UCLA LTP-611 (Nov. 2006).
220 F.F. Chen, Density jump in helicon discharges; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16, 593 (2007); UCLA LTP-702 (February 2007).
221 T.G. Madziwa, D. Arnush, and F.F. Chen, Ion shading effects during metal etch in plasma processing, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 35, 1388 (2007); UCLA LTP-701 (January 2007).
222 F.F. Chen, Comment on "Comment on 'Magnetic field effects on gas discharge plasmas' [Phys. Plasmas 13, 063511 (2006)]", Phys. Plasmas 14, 094703 (2007); UCLA LTP-706 (June 2007).
223 F.F. Chen, Diffusion of an annular plasma in positron acceleration, Phys. Plasmas 14, 122108 (2007); UCLA LTP-707 (July 2007).
224 F.F. Chen, Permanent magnet helicon source for ion propulsion, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci 36, 2095 (2008); UCLA LTP-709 (Sept. 2007).
225 F.F. Chen, Langmuir probes in RF plasma: surprising validity of OML theory, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18, 035012 (2009); UCLA LTP-809 (Sept. 2008).
226 F.F. Chen and H. Torreblanca, Permanent magnet helicon sources and arrays: a new type of rf plasma, Phys. Plasmas 16, 057102 (2009); UCLA LTP-811 (Nov. 2008).
227 D. Curreli and F.F. Chen, Equilibrium theory of cylindrical discharges with special application to helicons, Phys. Plasmas 18, 113501 (2011); UCLA LTP-1107 (July, 2011).
228 F.F. Chen and H. Torreblanca, Permanent magnet helicon discharge array, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 39, 2452 (2011); UCLA LTP-1012 (Dec. 2010).
229 F.F. Chen, An Indispensable Truth, how fusion power can save the planet (Springer, New York,  2011).   Table of contents   Read online at; buy at (also Kindle edition).
230 F. F. Chen and D. Curreli, Equilibrium theory for plasma discharges of finite length, UCLA LTP-1106 (Nov. 2011).  This was unreasonably rejected by Phys. Rev. Letters.
231 F.F. Chen, J.D. Evans, and W. Zawalski, Calibration of Langmuir probes against microwaves and plasma oscillation probes, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21, 055002 (2012); UCLA LTP-1202 (Feb. 2012).
232 F.F. Chen, Langmuir probe measurements in the intense RF field of a helicon discharge, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21, 055013 (2012); UCLA LTP-1205 (May, 2012).
233 F.F. Chen, Performance of a permanent magnet helicon source at 27 and 13 MHz, Phys. Plasmas 19, 093509 (2012); UCLA LTP-1207 (July, 2012).
234 F.F. Chen and D. Curreli, Central peaking of magnetized gas discharges, Phys. Plasmas 20, 057102 (2013); UCLA LTP-1210 (October, 2012).
235 F.F. Chen, Antenna mechanisms and electrostatic fields in helicon discharges, rejected by Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.(2013); UCLA LTP-1212 (December, 2012).
236 F.F. Chen, Permanent-magnet helicons for plasma processing, Proc. 56th Annual Technical Conference Proceedings, Society of Vacuum Coaters, Providence, RI, April 20-25, 2013; UCLA LTP-1304 (April, 2013).
237 F.F. Chen, Helicon Source for ion propulsion, Encyclopedia of Plasma Technology, Taylor and Francis (…2015); Chen237R (August, 2013).
238 F.F. Chen and D. Curreli, A new approach to gas discharge theory with sheath boundaries, J. Phys. Soc. (Japan) Conf. Proc. 1, 015033 (2014); Chen238R (June, 2013).
239 D. Curreli and F.F. Chen, Cross-field diffusion in low-temperature plasma discharges of finite length, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 23, 064001 (2014); Chen239R (Oct. 2013).
240 F.F. Chen, A Compact Permanent-Magnet Helicon Thruster, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 43, 195 (2015); Chen240R (Dec. 2013).
241 F.F. Chen, Helicon discharges and sources, a review,  Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24, 014001 (2015); Chen241R  (April, 2014)..
242 F.F. Chen, Ion ejection from a permanent-magnet mini-helicon thruster, Phys. Plasmas 21, 093511 (2014); Chen242R (June, 2014).