William Kaiser

William Kaiser

William Kaiser
Distinguished Professor
Primary Area: Circuits & Embedded Systems

Office: 56-147L Engr. IV
Phone: (310) 206-3236
E-mail: kaiser@ee.ucla.edu
Research Lab: Actuated Sensing & Coordinated Embedded Networked Technologies

Research and Teaching Interests:
Biomedical informatics, embedded systems, biomedical devices


Awards and Recognitions
2012     American Society for Engineering Education Best Paper Award
Dr. Henrik Borgstrom and Professor William Kaiser, for a publication on their new hands-on instruction technology developed for the UCLA undergraduate curriculum.
2011     Wireless Health Best Paper Award
2010     Wireless Health Best Demonstration Award
2008     BodyNets Best Paper Award
A paper by W. Kaiser and M. Sarrafzadeh
2007     UCLA Gold Shield Prize
2006     Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN/SPOTS) Conference Best Demonstration Award
2005     UCLA Copenhaver Award “for his excellence and innovation in teaching (including use of innovative technology in education)”.
2003     Professor or the Year Award presented by the students of the Engineering Society of the University of California
1995     Allied Signal Faculty Research Award
1994     American Vacuum Society Fellow


NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement