- Requests to schedule events should be submitted for approval to the Chair’s Assistant ( by completing a reservation request form. Please note, a representative from your department must be present at all times during your event to ensure the rules for the Shannon are being adhered to. Each request should identify the Requester & department, the event date, the event time, the expected number of attendees, and your event host (company or group making presentation). In addition, please provide the nature of the event and who will be responsible for the room during the event (your Department Representative), and most importantly, if the event will involve refreshments.
- Three staff members are responsible for ensuring that the Shannon Room is well maintained, always clean and ready-for-use and, above all, secure. The staff members are:
- The Facilities Manager
Responsible for securing the room, keeping it ready for use, ensuring the equipment is functional, and be available at the beginning of events to assist with equipment as needed. - The Assistant to the Chairman
Responsible for scheduling events according to department policy, making sure the Department Representative understands his/her responsibilities, making sure the room is unlocked, and making sure the room is ready for use. - The Department Manager
Responsible for ensuring that the department policies, procedures and guidelines are being followed.
- The Facilities Manager
- Only the above three staff members hold a key to the Shannon Room. Keys are not issued to other individuals.
- The Shannon Room can only be reserved/used during normal business hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., unless prior approval is granted by the Department Manager.
- The Shannon Room should always remain locked except when there is a scheduled event.
- When there is a scheduled event, the room should be opened 15 minutes prior thereto and should be locked immediately following the completion of the event.
- The Shannon Room should never be left unattended when open. Again, the Department Representative should stay in the room once it is opened until the event is completed and all attendees have vacated the room. The Department Representative is responsible for the safekeeping of the room during its use.
- The Department Representative in charge of securing the room is responsible for the following:
- That all equipment is properly turned off.
- That the chairs are rearranged back to their regular positions.
- That the room is clean.
- That any and all trash is properly placed in the trashcans.
- That the room is properly locked.
- The Department Representative appointed to the event should be well-trained in the use of the electronic equipment; or should request assistance and/or information on the use of the equipment prior to the event.
- If an event is an all-day affair, a Facilities Service Request (“FSR”) must be submitted by the department requesting the event prior to the date to request cleaning of the room and/or carpets afterwards. This would also apply to other conference rooms scheduled for an all-day event, where food and drinks are supplied.
Events Allowed
The Shannon can accommodate up to 60 people. The Requester of an event with less than 40 attendees, should use due diligence in searching for other available conference rooms within the department prior to requesting the Shannon. Please check the website for details and calendars.
The Shannon Room can be used for the following Electrical Engineering events:
- Seminar Series.
- Faculty Meetings.
- Recruitment Seminars.
- Regular Seminars or Events with over 40 Attendees.
- Workshops
- Industry Events hosted by a Faculty Member.
- Graduate Admission Meetings.
- Annual Research Reviews.
- Town Hall Meetings.
- Department Orientations for Students.
Exceptions to the events noted above require prior approval by the Department Manager.
Overflow Room
The seating capacity of the Shannon Room should not be exceeded. For larger events, the Maxwell Room can be used as an overflow room, as the presentations in the Shannon Room are delivered (sound and picture) through projection into the Maxwell Room.
Room Capabilities / Webcasting
The Shannon Room contains a projector, microphone, speakers and computer capabilities (both HDMI & VGA). Phone conferencing is not available. The Shannon Room provides for taping/recording and webcast seminars when necessary.
(Adopted in January 2007-Modified October 2015)