Endowed chairs and professorships are reserved for distinguished scholars and teachers. An endowed chair or professorship provides funds to a chair holder in support of his or her teaching, research and service.

High-speed semiconductors devices, integrated circuits for digital, analog, microwave, mm-wave terahertz systems, RF/wireless interconnects

System Scaling Technology, advanced packaging and 3D integration, technologies and techniques for the memory subsystem integration and neuromorphic computing

Silicon Photonics, Cell imaging and screening, Physics-inspired Algorithms, Nonlinear Dynamics, Artificial Intelligence

Nonlinear optics, ultrafast optics, laser dynamics and chaos, semiconductor lasers, fiber lasers, optoelectronics, photonics, microwave photonics, graphene photonics, nanophotonics

Computational Imaging, Deep Learning Optics, Diffractive Neural Networks, Optical Computing, Microscopy, Holography, Sensing and Diagnostics, Biophotonics, Mobile Health, Telemedicine, Global Health

Electromagnetics, satellite communication antennas, personal communication antennas including human interaction, biotelemetry and RFID applications, antennas for remote sensing and radio astronomy applications

Cyber-physical systems, cyber-physical systems security, control systems, smart grid

Nanoelectronics, spintronics and nanomagnetics, non-volatile electronics and low dissipation devices, quantum device and systems, frontier materials by molecular beam epitaxy, photonics and energy

Theory and applications of digital signal processing including VLSI implementations, digital filter design, nonlinear circuit theory