ECE 180DA/DW is a capstone design course over two quarters. This course satisfies the Writing II requirement. Students taking this course should also take Engineering 2 to satisfy the ethics requirement. Teams devise games that must include a combination of speech and gesture recognition, position localization, tutorial materials to assist players, and remote operation, usually including embedded systems. Students gain experience in all aspects of the design cycle from project conception, component design, system integration for low latency real-time operation, design iteration, documentation, user interfaces, and user testing. Ethical components focus on the societal impacts and concerns of networks of embedded systems. Lecture topics in the first quarter focus on the overview of technologies relevant to the game design.
ECE 113 DA
Lecture, two hours (includes semi-weekly Writing II discussion section); laboratory, four hours; outside study, six hours. outside study, six hours. Enforced requisite: course 113. In progress grading (credit to be given only on completion of course 113DB).
ECE 113 DW
Laboratory, four hours (includes semi-weekly Writing II discussion section); outside study, eight hours. Enforced requisites: courses 113, 113DA. Real-time implementation of digital signal processing algorithms on digital processor chips. Course project involving original design and implementation of signal processing systems for communications, speech, audio, or video using DSP and machine learning algorithms on embedded systems or large computing facilities. Letter grading. Oral and written presentation of project results. Writing II and Ethics credits conferred upon completion.
ECE 163
Emphasizes the following topics:
- Transmission line and waveguides
- Microwaves network theory (Z/Y/S parameters, ABCD matrices)
- Smith Chart
- Impedance matching techniques
- Microwave resonators, power splitters, couplers
- Equivalent circuits of microwave devices
- Amplifier design
ECE 164
The course consists of a combination of lectures and labs. There are smaller labs focusing on
stand-alone subjects mostly carried out during the first part, as well as a complete prototype
design to be delivered by the end of the spring quarter.
The class time is partitioned to be 2-hour lecture, 2-hour-lab in winter, and 4-hour lab in spring,
though there may be some small adjustments.
The lectures cover various analog topics such as voltage references, oscillators, multivibrators,
passive and active filter, data converters, microcontrollers, and infrared sensors. The intention is
to familiarize the students with the basic building blocks used in electronic systems (e.g. radios,
audio and video processing, networking, …), though the emphasis of the final project is on
biomedical applications.
The lectures are intended to complement the labs, and cover a very similar set of topics as listed
below, with emphasis on the fundamentals as well as hands on design. There are 8 labs designed
where students have to complete on weekly basis during the winter quarter. Each lab must be
accompanied with an informal report, and possibly a short demo. All of the labs will be done on
breadboard using Analog Discovery 2. The labs cover hands-on transistor level design of
individual building blocks to be used as a part of the final project, though the final project may
include existing off-the-shelf ICs to ease the complexity.
By the end of the winter quarter, the students can choose one of several final projects, where they
have worked on the key building blocks of each previously in the labs. The projects are open-
ended, but somewhat overlapping, with more or less equal level of difficulty and complexity.
The choices include contactless and contact-based thermometer, and SPO2 monitor. Building the
prototype on a printed circuit, and packaging the entire design are required. The projects will be
assigned to groups of two, and the grades are awarded based on the completeness of the design,
level of sophistication and details, creativity, and how well the specifications are met.
ECE 183
Information coming soon
ECE 121
Information coming soon