Skills Verification List and Procedure

Alumni requesting a skills verification should read the following and provide the following information:

#1. Your verification letter should be on the appropriate letterhead. Your attorney can use the following letterhead for the letter to be signed by the department official:

#2. Transcript showing the class(es) listed (highlighted) and the grade(s) received.

#3. Within the attorney-prepared letter, provide a list of course(s) and corresponding skills. The courses and associated skills are in the table below. If your course is not on this list or the skills list is not provided, please email the faculty who taught your course (or the current faculty teaching the course) to provide the skills list for the table. 

#4.  Please submit the completed letter and transcript for review and signature by mailing  SUBJECT:  Skillset verification letter request

Course NumberTitleSkills List
ECENGR201AVLSI Design AutomationPhysical Design

Logic Synthesis

Test and design for test

Cadence Innovus

TCL scripting

Open Access design database
ECENGR201CModeling of VLSI Circuits and Systems

Design in Nanoscale TechnologiesSiemens Calibre

Optical lithography and IC fabrication

Design for manufacturing, variability and reliability
ECENGRM202AEmbedded Systems
ECENGRM202BEnergy-Aware Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
ECENGR202CNetworked Embedded Systems Design
ECENGR205AMatrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers
ECENGRM206Machine Perception
ECENGRM208BFunctional Analysis for Applied Mathematics and Engineering
ECENGRM208CTopics in Functional Analysis for Applied Mathematics and Engineering
ECENGR209ASSpecial Topics in Circuits and Embedded Systems
ECENGR209BSSeminar: Circuits and Embedded Systems
ECENGR210AAdaptation and Learning
ECENGR210BInference over Networks
ECENGR211ADigital Image Processing I
ECENGR212ATheory and Design of Digital FiltersDesign of digital filters

Use of MATLAB filter design and quantization toolboxes
ECENGRM214ADigital Speech Processing
ECENGR214BAdvanced Topics in Speech Processing
ECENGR215AAnalog Integrated Circuit Design
ECENGR215BAdvanced Digital Integrated CircuitsDesign of digital logic circuits

Circuit simulation models and model parameters

Design and operating mechanisms of different memories
ECENGR215CAnalysis and Design of RF Circuits and SystemsRadio Frequency Component Characteristics

Spectrum Analyzer
ECENGR215DAnalog Microsystem Design
ECENGR215ESignaling and SynchronizationDesign of high speed I/O circuits

Design of oscillator and clock synchronization circuits

Use of Cadence circuit simulators
ECENGRM216ADesign of VLSI Circuits and SystemsVLSI circuit and system design with Verilog

Standard-cell based logic and physical synthesis

Static timing analysis, power and area estimation

Functional verification using ModelSim
ECENGR216BVLSI Signal ProcessingHigh-level synthesis of DSP algorithms

Number representation and digital arithmetic

Hardware scheduling and retiming

Architecture design space exploration
ECENGRM216CLSI in Computer System Design
ECENGRM217Biomedical Imaging
ECENGR218Network Economics and Game Theory
ECENGR219Large-Scale Data Mining: Models and Algorithms
ECENGR221APhysics of Semiconductor Devices I
ECENGR221BPhysics of Semiconductor Devices II
ECENGR221CMicrowave Semiconductor Devices
ECENGR222Integrated Circuits Fabrication Processes
ECENGR223Solid-State Electronics I
ECENGR224Solid-State Electronics II
ECENGR225Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Devices
ECENGR229Seminar: Advanced Topics in Solid-State Electronics
ECENGR229SAdvanced Electrical Engineering Seminar
ECENGR230ADetection and Estimation in Communication
ECENGR230BDigital Communication Systems
ECENGR230CSignal Processing in Communications
ECENGR230DAlgorithms and Processing in Communication Systems
ECENGR231AInformation Theory
ECENGR231BNetwork Information Theory
ECENGR231EChannel Coding Theory
ECENGR232AStochastic Modeling with Applications to Telecommunication Systems
ECENGR232BQueueing Systems and Intelligent Transportation Networks
ECENGR232DCommunications Networking and Traffic Management for Autonomous Mobile Systems
ECENGR232ELarge Scale Social and Complex Networks: Design and Algorithms
ECENGR233 Wireless Communications System Design, Modeling, and ImplementationWireless Communication
ECENGR234ANetwork Coding Theory and Applications
ECENGR235AMathematical Foundations of Data Storage Systems
ECENGR236ALinear Programming
ECENGR236BConvex Optimization
ECENGR236COptimization Methods for Large-Scale Systems
ECENGRM237Dynamic Programming
ECENGR238Multimedia Communications and Processing
ECENGR239ASSpecial Topics in Signals and Systems
ECENGR239BSSeminar: Signals and Systems
ECENGRM240ALinear Dynamic Systems
ECENGRM240COptimal Control
ECENGR241AStochastic Processes
ECENGRM242ANonlinear Dynamic Systems
ECENGRC243ANeural Signal Processing
ECENGR246Foundations of Statistical Machine Learning
ECENGRC247Neural Networks and Deep Learning
ECENGRM248SSeminar: Systems, Dynamics, and Control Topics
ECENGRM250BMicroelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Fabrication
ECENGRM252Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Device Physics and Design
ECENGRM257Nanoscience and Technology
ECENGR260AAdvanced Engineering Electrodynamics
ECENGR260BAdvanced Engineering Electrodynamics
ECENGR261Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits
ECENGR262Antenna Theory and Design
ECENGR263Reflector Antennas Synthesis, Analysis, and Measurement
ECENGR266Computational Methods for Electromagnetics
ECENGR270Applied Quantum Mechanics
ECENGR271Classical Laser Theory
ECENGR272Dynamics of Lasers
ECENGR273Nonlinear Photonics
ECENGR274Optical Communication and Sensing Design
ECENGRM275Micro- and Nanoscale Biosensing for Molecular DiagnosticsDesign and evaluation of biosensors and bioelectronics systems
ECENGR279ASSpecial Topics in Physical and Wave Electronics
ECENGR279BSSeminar: Physical and Wave Electronics
ECENGR279CSClean Green IGERT Brown-Bag Seminar
ECENGRCM282Science, Technology, and Public Policy
ECENGR285APlasma Waves and Instabilities
ECENGR285BAdvanced Plasma Waves and Instabilities
ECENGRM287Fusion Plasma Physics and Analysis