Abeer Alwan


Abeer Alwan
Professor and Vice Chair, Undergraduate Affairs
Primary Area: Signals & Systems

Office: 66-147G Engr. IV
Phone: (310) 206-2231
E-mail: alwan@ee.ucla.edu
Research Lab: Speech Processing and Auditory Perception Laboratory


Research and Teaching Interests:

Digital speech processing, noise robust speech recognition, models of speech production and perception

Awards and Recognitions


2016-2019 Elected Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors
2016 Distinguished Engineering Educator Award, Engineer’s Council
2015-2018 Elected Member, Intl. Speech Assoc. Soc. (ISCA) Advisory Board
2012 Distinguished Lecturer, Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association
2011-2015 Member and Vice Chair, IEEE Awards Board Review Committee
2011 Fellow, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
2009-2011 ISCA Distinguished Lecturer
2008 Fellow, IEEE Signal Processing Society
2008 Keynote Speaker, Interspeech,  Australia
Chair, IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Signal Processing Award Committee
Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
2003 Fellow, Acoustical Society of America
1997 Okawa Foundation Award in Telecommunications
1995 NSF Career Development Award
1994 UCLA-TRW Excellence in Teaching Award
1994 NIH FIRST Career Development Award
1993 NSF Research Initiation Award, 1993-1996
Selected Publications