Alan N. Willson, Jr.

Alan N. Willson, Jr.

Alan N. Willson, Jr.
Distinguished Emeritus Professor and Charles P. Reames Chair in Electrical Engineering
Primary Area: Signals & Systems

Office: 66-147H Engr. IV
Phone: (310) 825-7400

Research and Teaching Interests:
Theory and applications of digital signal processing including VLSI implementations, digital filter design, nonlinear circuit theory


Awards and Recognitions
2014     National Academy of Engineering
2013     Vitold Belevitch Award, IEEE Circuits and System Society
2012     Darlington Best Paper Award, IEEE Circuits and System Society
2010     IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award
2009     Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
2003     Mac Van Valkenburg Award, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
2000     IEEE Third Millennium Medal
2000     Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
1994     IEEE W.R.G. Baker Prize Award
1994     Guilleman-Cauer Prize Paper Award, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
1985     Engineering Merit Award, San Fernando Valley Engineers’ Council
1985     IEEE W.R.G. Baker Prize Award
1984     Myril Reed Best Paper Award, Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems
1982     Distinguished Faculty Award, UCLA Engineering Alumni Association
1982     George Westinghouse Award, American Society for Engineering Education
1979     Guilleman-Cauer Prize Paper Award, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society


IEEE Fellow