News | April 15, 2024
Distinguished Professor Yahya Rahmat-Samii and others published an article entitled “Novel Hybrid Particle Swarm and Brainstorm Optimization: Electromagnetic applications with enhanced performance” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (Early Access)

Y. Wang, L. Song, L. Zeng and Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Novel Hybrid Particle Swarm and Brainstorm Optimization: Electromagnetic applications with enhanced performance,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine(Early Access), pp. 2-16, March 2024.
Professor Rahmat-Samii’s earlier paper on the subject of Particle Swarm Optimization in Electromagnetics (PSO) has received over 2,795 Google citations as of April 5, 2024.
IEEE Photonics Society featured Dr Ozcan and his Pioneering Research on Biomedical Imaging and Microscopy

Listen to the Illuminated: IEEE Photonics Podcast.
Dr Jinxi Gou won the best industry paper award at the IEEE ICASSP 2024 Conference held at Seoul, Korea
Dr Jinxi Gou, ’19 PhD under the supervision of Professor Abeer Alwan, is at Meta AI. He was the first author of a paper entitled ‘Effective Internal Language Model Training and Fusion for Factorized Transducer Model’, which won the best industry paper award at the IEEE ICASSP 2024 conference held at Seoul, Korea.
Associate Professor Jonathan Kao received Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award

Congratulations to Associate Professor Jonathan Kao on receiving the Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award! For more information, please see the article here.
The 43rd Southern California Control Workshop will take place on April 19, 2024

Join us for a series of exciting presentations by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers focusing on the broad area of control systems! Register for the workshop here!
Seminars & Chalk Talks
Guest Speaker: Dr Hyunpil Boo & Dr Jonathan Waldern
Topic: Advancing Augmented Reality: Optimizing Optical Performance with Metasurfaces & Windshield holographic film HUD’s, help transform EV’s cost, safety and delight
Time: 12-1:30pm
Room: Shannon Room
Lunch will be provided at Eng VI Patio
Guest Speaker: Prof Shanthi Pavan
Time: 2-3:30pm
Room: Tesla Room
Chalk Talk: Umesh
Time: 12-2pm
Room: Shannon Room
Guest Speaker: Prof Matthias Kling
Time: 12-2pm
Room: Shannon Room
Guest Speaker: Sayeef
Time: 12-2pm
Room: Shannon Room
Guest Speaker: Jay Kuo
Topic: Toward Interpretable and Sustainable AI/ML
Time: 12-2pm
Room: Shannon Room
Guest Speaker: Azaqdeh Ansari
Time: 12-2pm
Room: Shannon Room
Upcoming PhD Oral Defenses
Ph.D. Student: Murat Can Sarihan
Time: 1-3pm
Room: Shannon Room
Ph.D. Student: Pavan Holur
Time: 2-4pm
Room: Maxwell Room
Ph.D. Student: Botian Zhang
Time: 9-11am
Room: Faraday Room
Ph.D. Student: Tonmoy Monsoor
Time: 12-3pm
Room: Faraday Room
Ph.D. Student: Anthony Kim
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Room: Maxwell Room
Ph.D. Student: Yiming Zhou
Time: 2:30-5pm
Room: Maxwell Room
Ph.D. Student: Sunay Bhat
Time: 1-3pm
Room: Faraday Room
Ph.D. Student: Jinhan Wang
Time: 12-1:30pm
Room: Maxwell Room
Ph.D. Student: Shivang Agarwal
Time: 9-11am
Room: Faraday Room
ACM Impact and LA Blueprint are hosting UCLA’s first IMPACTATHON!
The goal of this hackathon is to partner groups of students with nonprofits in order to aid them in building any technical solutions that the organization requires. Students will have the opportunity to work directly with nonprofit leaders and work to come up with a product that fits their needs best Interested? Please fill out the registration form linked here by Friday, April 19th: tinyurl.com/impactathon-registration-form
Follow @acm.ucla, @impact_ucla, and @lablueprint on Instagram and join the Slack (linked on the registration form) for updates. Prizes, nonprofit organizations, and other announcements to come!
Newsletter Submissions
To be included in future newsletters, please send the latest news, awards, publications and any upcoming PhD oral defenses to the Chair’s assistant, Winda Mak, at wmak@seas.ucla.edu. Please include “newsletter submission” in the subject line. The ECE newsletters will be sent bimonthly on the first and third Mondays of the month. Please ensure all submissions are received by the Wednesday before distribution to be included in the newsletter.