Eli Yablonovitch

Eli Yablonovitch

Eli Yablonovitch
Adjunct Professor
Primary Area: Physical and Wave Electronics

Office: 66-147K Engr. IV
Phone: (310) 206-2240
E-mail: eliy@ee.ucla.edu

Research and Teaching Interests:
Electronic devices, optoelectronics, high speed optical communications, optical antennas, solar photovoltaics, computational inverse electromagnetic design


Awards and Recognitions
2014       Rank Prize (UK), for “the idea that strained semiconductor lasers would have superior performance due to reduced valence band (hole) effective mass. Almost all semiconductor lasers use this concept, including for optical telecommunications, in most mouse-clicks, for DVD players, and in the ubiquitous red laser pointers.”
2013       Elected as Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London
2012       Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2012       Harvey Prize of Israel for “pioneering discoveries in photonics, optoelectronics and semiconductors, that impacted our lives.”
2012       IEEE Photonics Award for “pioneering contributions to photonic crystals, the photonic bandgap, and photonic bandgap engineering.”
2010       Mountbatten Medal of the British IET for “outstanding contributions to electronics.”
2005       Northrop Grumman Optoelectronics Chair in Electrical Engineering, UCLA
2004       Honorary Doctorate, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
2003-2004       Moore Distinguished Scholar, Caltech
2003       National Academy of Sciences
2003       National Academy of Engineering
2001       Julius Springer Prize in Applied Physics
1996       R.W. Wood Prize, Optical Society of America
1993       W. Streifer Achievement Award, IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society
1992       Fellow, IEEE
1990       Fellow, American Physical Society
1990       Research and Development 100 Award
1982       Fellow, Optical Society of America
1978-1979       Alfred P. Sloan Fellow
1978       Adolf Lomb Medal, Optical Society of America