Professor Anthony Chen Joins ECE Department Faculty

Professor Xiang “Anthony” Chen has joined UCLA as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He was appointed in 2018 after receiving his Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction from Carnegie Mellon University.He has been the recipient of many awards and recognitions, including the 2018 NSF CISE CRII, the 2016 Adobe Research PhD Fellowship, and the 2015 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Finalist.

Professor Chen’s latest research focuses on making Artificial Intelligence (AI) more understandable and intuitive to professionals without a computational background. This enables people to interact with a variety of smart devices that improve their professional practice. For example, a medical AI system could be used to automatically diagnose a patient and explain the diagnosis to a doctor. The doctor can agree or disagree with the diagnosis, depending on their specialty and experience, and edit the system.

A challenge facing this research is that some AI systems, like those based on deep learning,are extremely complex and difficult to understand. To solve this, the system could be focused in the same way as a specialty (e.g. doctor), but this approach is often much more complicated than traditionally pure data-driven AI systems.

In the future Professor Chen believes there will be a plethora of intelligent systems. His research will continue to aim to make intelligent systems more interactive, and interactive systems more intelligent.

At UCLA, Professor Chen is excited by the opportunity to collaborate with other departments and subject areas, the strength of the engineering school, and the talents of UCLA students. He is also a UCLA football fan – Go Bruins!

Learn more about Professor Chen’s research by visiting